Monday, October 30, 2006

New clothes, new shoes!

Nana and Nano got me some cool new clothes... this is one of my new outfits! I look GOOD in red, don't I?
I also got some super cool new PURPLE shoes... they are Lands End just like Mommy and Daddy have, although I would bet mine SMELL better!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

New Towel

I got a new towel that looks like a monkey... cute ehh?

Also a nice HINT about my halloween costume!!! Posted by Picasa

Gracie's cool (and so is ice cream)

Heavy metal rocks. (My smart cousin Gracie calls it "music that makes my hair fly around)
My cousin Gracie.... ROCKS!!!!!!!!

Ice cream also rocks!
Can you tell my Uncle Sean works for Carvel?
Nice product placement!
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Aidan John

This is my friend Aidan John Mitchell... he is 9 month's old and at his last check up was 29 inches tall and 19 lbs. and 12 oz... he's catching up with me! quickly!!Posted by Picasa

Nana and Pop Pop

Nana and Pop Pop have come to visit me twice in the past few weeks... they took GREAT care of me when Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding AND when Daddy took Mommy away overnight for her birthday. Nana taught me to say some things in Italian... Daddy jokes that I am more fluent than he is!
So here are some pictures of me having fun with Nana and Pop Pop....

And pics of Mommy and Daddy having fun with whatever is in those BIG glasses!

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Faster nano!

Here's a picture of Nano giving me a ride in my wagon... Faster Nano... Faster!!! Posted by Picasa

My friend Michael!

I would like you all to meet my friend Michael William Bonito. He is super cute isn't he??? He and his mommy Shawna and his Aunt Bridget came to visit us a few weeks ago. I was VERY happy to finally meet him.
I gave him kisses... and a cold!

Hi Michael!
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I'm BACK!!!!

And just in time too... I know how much you all missed me!
They finally released an update for the software Mommy uses to make this blog so now she will be able to start doing more timely updates (hopefully... she promised me she would at least do more than once a month!)

SO here are a few recent shots just to bring you up to speed on what I look like this month...
I am actually turning 16 months old tomorrow. I had a check up last week and I am 28 3/4 inches long and weigh 22 pounds. Mommy and Daddy think I am huge but my friends Aiden and Michael are catching up with me quick (Mommy is going to post pics of them today too so you can meet them!)

I am looking forward to Halloween...can you guess what I'm going to dress up as??

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Mommy stinks

Mommy has been having some serious problems keeping this puppy updated, what with the new job and all.
Seems that the few minutes she has to update are the exact few minutes that everyone else in the world has to update their blogs so the response time when she tries to upload pictures is TOOO long.
She promised me she will try again tonight. Meanwhile... miss you all!!